Saturday, August 29, 2009

I Also Like Lists

So I'm kind of busy and stressed. Doing production design for a really wonderful play called Eurydice (by Sarah Ruhl) for the Verge Arts Festival at Sydney Uni. Unfortunately I'm kind of rubbish at set/props/costume construction and thus, here I am, 9 days out from opening night, with pretty much everything still left to do.

"Fucking fuck" is the most appropriate phrase, I find.

So, inspired by that colourful phrase and by my dear Rebecca over at the charming if inconsistent blog Feff's Flights of Fancy (look for it in my side bar, something strange is happening with linking at the moment), here is a brief run-down of what needs doing tomorrow:
  • Buy fabric to make six cloaks, one skirt, six music-stand ornaments, 5m x 9m of "waterfall" set element.
  • Scrounge around op-shops for and alter some ten items of clothing, including finding a grey morning jacket and tie-dying it.
  • Learn to tie-dye.
  • Read a couple of 20-page articles and write a 400 word analysis of a particular school of performance theory and how it relates to modern ceremonies.
  • Cook dinner for five people.
  • Prepare myself to be yelled at by a many and varied collection of people for not getting enough done.
Want to see the set plan? It's pretty cool, despite the fact that Roman and I haven't quite mastered textures on SketchUp, the program we've been using to make dimensionally sound set plans.

So there you have it. If you want to help me dye fabric of a Sunday, let me know, you're very welcome.

Happy weekend, my lovely friends.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Twenty Eight!

Oh my goodness, dolphins and porpoises, it's going to be twenty eight degrees on Sunday!

I know it's only August, but summer is really on its way, the breeze has been so wonderfully zephyric and balmy and I'm starting to turn into Summer Kenny (a fundamentally unsound oceanid with a desire to jump into water from dizzying heights) already.

So, just to get me more excited, twenty eight glorious things Sydney summer is bringing to me: -

1. Icy Poles
2. Clovelly
3. Twilight Picnics (mosquitos and all)
4. Strawberries
5. Raspberries
6. Blackberries
7. Eurydice
8. Making a Dent in My Reading List
9. Getting Oil Paints all over my Hands and Clothes
10. Sleeping with the Windows Open
11. The Clovelly Groper and his Lady Gropers
12. Late Nights at the Duck & Swan
13. White Sandals
14. Sun dresses
15. Home-Made Lemonade
16. Summer Projects
17. Sewing Bags and Dresses
18. Early Sunrises
19. Late Sunsets
20. Late Nights with Good Friends
21. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
22. Colourful Flowers Everywhere
23. Straw Hats
24. Sleeping Nude
25. Swimming in the Ocean Every Day
26. Wandering Through Markets
27. Living in Bare Feet
28. Spending a Third Summer Kissing That Man of Mine