Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday in Pictures and Days 6 & 7

I spent my Father's Day morning cooking up some yummy strawberry pancakes for Dad and myself. This is the result.

And the rest of the morning eating my own concoction.
I spent the majority of the day writing a very long essay.
But then got to spend the sunny afternoon rereading my favourite book for the fortieth time.
And ended my weekend with a barefoot wander through the grass.


emilyclare said...

Ah, sunday in pictures is always my favourite. How I am looking forward to Wednesday; to having next weekend off work; time to enjoy breakfast and sunlight and grass again. We really should go out for breakfast one morning before uni.. Newtown/Erskinville is my breakfast haven! Have a brilliant monday..

Emma said...

surely you're just posing for the photo and not really reading the book in that photo, no one can read "good omens" and not be giggling the whole time!

emilyclare said...

hehe she has a point!

Anonymous said...


i am somewhat enamored of your blog ms. kenny.
you probably do not know me as morgan is a pseudonym. but yes, take care. and lovely looking pancakes.
