Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Winter's Tale

Every pair of flat shoes I own either have holes in the soles, are unwearable in public (very muddy trainers) or are thongs.

And it's cold.

Believe it or not, that's pretty much all I have to say on the matter. But seriously. Why can't one pair of shoes stand the test of one winter? Perhaps I should invest in some higher quality shoes. And some wellies.

I'm not a great fan of winter, I miss the beach and my floral dresses too much.

As miserable as I felt with my freezing wet feet and freezing wet everything else yesterday, there was something poetic and mighty about the rolling thunder and the sheer volume of the water cascading from on high.

The best part of the wet and cold of the current season is most definitely plunging through the door of your home and into the warm air inside, a wonderful sense of sanctuary you don't get in the warmer months. And I think of hot baths with a good book propped up on the knees, snuggling together for warmth with siblings, or in bed with someone you love, copious mugs of hot Russian Caravan, and hot water bottles... maybe there is something to be said for the otherwise hostile winter season after all.

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