Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday in Pictures. Minus pictures.

My camera is currently having the pleasure of sitting in my dear friend Anna's bag. I put it there during a very (ahem) interesting Saturday night romp, and forgot to collect it at the end of the night.
So unfortunately, possums, I have no Sunday in Pictures this week. It was a very uneventful Sunday anyhow.
I thought, instead, I'd share some of my favourite photos from the museums of London, especially the sculpture because I am preparing to write a horrible long essay on classic sculpture and would like to think about it a bit before I get into it.

One of the most perfect, simple feminine forms I have ever seen
This statue is about 4 times life size, and the facial expression is just incredible. I was struck particularly by the passion in his eyes.

Courage and Cowardice.
Beautiful, soft Aphrodite.
Part of the Elgian marbles. The fabric folds are so exquisitely detailed.
Maybe I'm just silly and old fashioned, but I agree with my Art History lecturer - classical Greco-Roman art and architecture really is the apex of Western culture.
I hope you've enjoyed looking at my favourite marbles, from the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

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